A Treasury of Sherlock Holmes

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In January of this year, I picked a classic out of a set my dad bought us when I was a little girl. I had never read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Let me just say that I was captivated by his writing. In this particular collection put together by his son, there are two novels and 27 stories. It was truly hard to put this down. I love how characters in books help you appreciate the eccentricities of people in our real lives. Seeing mystery and story unfold helps me appreciate the unfolding of my own life. We often fight the developing of our own beautiful stories. "We have not yet met our Waterloo, Watson." *Meaning our end has not come...from Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. There is a reason for every mystery. We can often find answers in story that we would never find in a text book. That is because life is living, not dissecting.

What are you reading? I am reading Raising Passionate Jesus Followers by Phil and Diane Comer and Everybody Always by Bob Goff. I think my next classic will be The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'm in search of a classic copy. Love to y'all. Happy reading. May God use everything you mentally ingest for his glory.


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