Thanks For Showing Up
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The giant tree before. |
Here I am, y'all. I have been doing a lot of things besides writing here. I keep longing to put my thoughts down and document this whole thing we are doing. It's a testament to God's faithfulness and a revelation of the deep work he does in our hearts.
We had our big Southern picnic a few weeks back. It is always such an encouragement when people give up part of their day to encourage us. It is so meaningful because it is so hard to do the work. As a person who was deeply wounded over and over by rejection in my formative years, putting yourself out there and asking for help makes you feel unbelievably vulnerable. It feels like standing on a street corner yelling to people, "Help me! Love me! Remind me of the gospel!" Will. Anyone. Care. It's akin to creating art. Because we are so rooted in the care of the people and in the art we create, we identify with it. If they reject it, if they don't show up, they reject us. That isn't the case for the most part. It is also not the point. We have to keep showing up and preaching the gospel no matter. Of course we will be despised and rejected. We are the light of Christ.
So when people show up, it helps us keep showing up. When people fund our hearts' desire, it brings us to our knees. There are many tears over here. Thank y'all. I needed to know and feel the love of Christ through you. I needed those hugs and that encouragement. I needed the affirmation. Thank y'all. Thank you for encouraging us to keep showing up through very hard days and rejection as we love, invite, and share Christ's beautiful story of redemption. You are our personal heroes. Thank you. Thank you for believing in the radical thing we are undertaking. Thank you also for helping us get some new windows. Thank you for keeping food on the table here so we are never without something to serve any guest that might come. Thank you.
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Luis hanging from our tree. |
In case you missed it, one of our giant trees split down to the roots and was leaning towards our house. We had to have it cut down before all of the crazy storms coming in. I am so glad that we did because the storms over the last few weeks were intense. That tree would have definitely ended up in our bedrooms. Thanks to our dear friend Alan for coming out and getting help to get that tree down. Of course, y'all know that our beloved neighbor Fritz had to come over here and get in on the manly action. Alan also took Fritz on a tour of his father-in-law's pickle factory close by. I loved that so much. Loved people love people, y'all. Keep caring for those around you.
We are also employing a young man in our neighborhood to do work around here and help send him to college. We would love help with that.
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Here's the after. I kind of like it. It's a blank canvas. Send trees. |
So, now you can see some of the disrepair a few of our windows are in. We are repairing every one of them that we can, but some just need replacement.
I have also started making jewelry to help fund things around here. Invite me to your Christmas market. Check out my shop on Etsy.
Or buy pies from my man through the holiday season. Bring him to your church or your living room. He has a project that he is currently working on. Be looking for it.
Give to Gomer's House! Gomer's House Donation Link
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I made this for my friend Camille. |
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I am stamping lots of metal. Tell me some things you might be interested in. I am also doing names. |