The Hole In Our Gospel by Richard Stearns

Richard Stearns was called by God to make a life changing decision. In 1998 he left his position as CEO of Lenox and accepted the position of president at World Vision. This book is much more than Richard's story. It's all of our story. We see him struggle to respond to a call that he was certain he was unequipped for. From that point on, we are drawn into the gospel mandate that God has given all of us. Feed. Heal. Love.

God has been doing a work in me. Perhaps it would be better stated to say that He has been working me over. A Hole in Our Gospel was the nail in my coffin. I had learned how to do church safely and give to others safely. That giving often looked radical to others, but God has a grand picture for us to live wildly that we are desperately afraid to lay hold of. I am praying for the faith to pick that vision up and live the crazy abandoned life that God has called us to live. The countless testimonies have been seared into my mind. May this be the definitive moment for me. Read this book and embrace the full power of the gospel on your life. Don't go back to the status quo.

There is an amazing study and resources available at
Please read this book.

"Are we, like Christ, willing to respond with compassion and urgency to those who suffer? Are we willing? Do we have the kind of faith, the moral courage, the depth of love, and the strength of will to rise up off our padded pews to demonstrate the good news to the world? One way or the other, this will be our defining moment."

*This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review.


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