Bring Me a Higher Love

This Blog is updated each Tuesday.
This past weekend I had the privilege of attending a leadership training for Community Bible Study in Houston, TX. I attended with my friend (and Children's Director) Tina. It was such a blessing to learn more about my friend (we stayed up til 3 a.m.!) and to glean knowledge from the Holy Spirit and the hearts of the speakers. I could fill this blog completely up with my notes from the weekend. Instead, here are a few things I took away.

If you want anything to happen in your ministry, get closer to God. If you want to be a more dynamic leader, teacher, etc ...the answer is always the same. Get closer to God.

There was a story of a woman who was condemned when her community found out she had been letting her 9 children live in and eat out of garbage cans. We do the same thing. We let our children live in spiritual squalor when we fail to equip them. Do not settle to live your life by default.

We hold the DNA of tomorrow's church. If we want tomorrow's church to have healthy marriages, focus on discipleship and have balanced lives, what must we be? The problem is that we are trying to duplicate rather than incarnate. God wants to do a fresh work. Lead out of rest.

If you are not moved by the Holy Spirit, you will base your life decisions on momentary setbacks.

We settle things in prayer. Then we live it out.

Your family is your ministry.
"I am your Lord, gracious and loving. Rest in My Love, walk in My ways. Each week is a week of progress, steady progress upward. You may not see it, but I do.

I judge not by outward appearances, I judge the heart. Though you may feel that your work has been spoiled and tarnished, I see it only as Love's offering. Courage, My children.

When climbing a steep hill, a man is often more conscious of  the weakness of his stumbling feet than of the view, the grandeur, or even his upward progress.

Persevere, persevere. Love and Laugh. Rejoice."

From God Calling (devotional: day March 31st)
Cosmo & Suzi came to visit Gomer a few weeks ago. Here they are trying on Laomai's hat. I love these two people. They are vibrant, life-giving, and lavishly creative. Cosmo invented this thing called a Hyper Vest. Check it out. Apparently, it's a big deal! 
Men's Health named it the top fitness product of 2009. 


Jennifer said…
I was very encouraged by this post. The things you wrote that you learned are all simple things that I already know in my head, but many times forget. Thank you for the reminder and for the way your blog is an avenue for the Lord to speak to me.
Steph Cherry said…
I think we all have heard many things over and over, but we don't live many of them out. I am hoping to live those things out. Thanks for the encouragement. I am enjoying your "snow blog!" It is amazing how much snow you are getting.

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